Above: Craig Evans (left) and Jen Cody (far right), with Allan Torgerson, who with his wife Linda owned the five-acre parcel of land at 945 Park Avenue in Harewood before it was purchased by the City of Nanaimo.
The City of Nanaimo has announced it is seeking community input on future plans for Five Acre Farm (aka 933 Park Avenue), which the City purchased in 2019. There are five draft concepts for the park, which have between zero to two acres dedicated to 'affordable housing'.
It's our stance that while affordable housing is no doubt important, this land has considerable historical, agricultural and environmental value as a five acre parcel and should be left intact. Growing Opportunities will be sharing that perspective with the City but it is important that everyone's voices are heard and we would like to invite you to learn more about the plans and share your thoughts on this important community asset.
Attend the consultation, share your feedback.
Everyone is welcome to attend the public open house:
Date: Wednesday October 25, 2023
Time: 6 - 8 pm
Location: Park Avenue Elementary School, 395 Eighth Street (library)
Can't attend in person? You can still view the 'Park Avenue Park' concept plans and share your input with the City online. In particular we would like to draw your attention to Concept 5 'carrot' which has no housing on the site and therefore has no impacts on agricultural capacity or the environmentally-sensitive wetland.
News Coverage
The Discourse - What's next for Five Acres Farm?
Times Colonist - Future of Nanaimo's Five-Acre Farm coming up for debate on Monday
Nanaimo news Bulletin - Nanaimo council re-thinking previous plan for affordable housing at Five Acres Farm
Country Life in BC - Nanaimo farmland vulnerable